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Understanding and Navigating the Healing Crisis After Reiki

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Introduction to the Healing Crisis

Have you ever left a Reiki session feeling on top of the world, only to later find yourself riding a wave of unexpected physical and emotional changes? You're not alone! Welcome to the 'healing crisis' – the quirky, often under-discussed side of the healing journey.

Though it might sound alarming, this phenomenon is pretty normal, and usually necessary when diving deep into any form of energy healing. It's a sign that your body is actively working through layers of healing – addressing issues you didn't even know existed.

If you’re here because you feel a mix of surprise or even a bit of worry after what you anticipated to be a calm healing experience, let’s pause and take a breath. Think of it this way: your body is throwing a bit of a tantrum, finally dealing with the old emotional clutter and physical issues it's been hoarding. In this post, we'll explore why this healing crisis happens and how these experiences, strange as they may seem, are actually good signs - hopefully putting your mind at ease. By the end of this, I hope you'll see these reactions not just as obstacles but as important steps in your journey to feeling whole and balanced.

Symptoms of a Healing Crisis

The post-Reiki symptoms of a healing crisis can vary widely, but here’s what you might encounter:

Emotional Sensitivity:

  • Experience: A rollercoaster of emotions, from unexpected bursts of joy to sudden dips into sadness.

  • Why it Happens: Bottled-up feelings and stress are given a safe space to surface and find resolution. It's as if your body is saying, "Hey, it's time to let go of this emotional baggage and feel lighter."

  • What to Remember: Allow yourself to feel and express these emotions - this cathartic release is part of the healing process.

Physical Reactions:

  • Experience: Mild discomforts like headaches, joint pain, flushed skin, flu-like symptoms, or fatigue.

  • Why it Happens: These symptoms are manifestations of the body's efforts to eliminate toxins and blockages. It's a sign of your incredible capacity for self-repair kicking in. When activated, past ailments can temporarily surface as your body works to heal​.

  • What to Remember: Though uncomfortable, trust that your body is working efficiently to restore balance and health. Use this time to practice listening to what your body needs and respond accordingly​.

Sleep Variations:

  • Experience: You might find yourself sinking into deep, restorative sleep or wrestling with restlessness.

  • Why it Happens: Your body's sleep rhythm is adapting to new energy flows. If you’ve released dense or long-held energies, your body might need a time-out to heal and restore itself. Sometimes, periods of restlessness may follow as your energy systems recalibrate​ to it’s new state.

  • What to Remember: Sleep patterns usually stabilize as your energy balances out. Prioritize rest and establish routines to support your body's need for recovery and adjustment. Be patient!

Digestive Changes:

  • Experience: Reactions like mild nausea, changes in appetite, or digestive upset.

  • Why it Happens: As the center of your body's ability to process and assimilate both physical and energetic inputs, your digestive system is naturally sensitive to energy shifts. When your body undergoes these changes, it can disrupt the current balance in your digestive tract, leading to temporary discomfort as it adjusts.

  • What to Remember: Be gentle with yourself. These changes are your body's way of adapting to the new energetic environment.

If you're feeling a bit rattled by these changes, know that it's okay. Each of these symptoms is a signpost on your road to recovery, marking the profound shifts happening within. While they may be momentarily disconcerting, understanding their purpose can shift your viewpoint from concern to curiosity - let’s dive into the why.

Why You Might Feel Worse After Energy Healing

Imagine starting a physical detox diet. At first, you might feel worse – headaches, tiredness, mood swings. Your body is just reacting to the change, eliminating the toxins. As it gradually adjusts and cleanses, these symptoms subside, giving way to a renewed sense of well-being.

A Reiki session can be similar – an 'energetic detox,' if you will. The healing energy works to balance and realign your energy channels, stirring up and loosening all the stagnant energies and past hurts. This can lead to some temporary, albeit uncomfortable, sensations. It's helpful to view these sensations as tangible evidence of your body's wisdom in action, pushing you towards a more authentic self.

It's also important to recognize that a healing crisis can occur at any stage in your Reiki journey, regardless of whether you're new to the practice or a seasoned participant. The occurrence isn’t necessarily related to the number or frequency of your sessions but is a unique response of your body at a specific point in your healing path. You might find that after several seemingly mild sessions, a crisis suddenly emerges. This could indicate that deeper, more central issues are being addressed. Or, you might be one of those 'overachievers' in the realm of energy healing – experiencing significant shifts right from your first session.

Several factors can also influence the nature and intensity of a healing crisis:

  • Sensitivity to Energy Healing: Just like people have different thresholds for physical or emotional stimuli, sensitivity to energy work varies from person to person with some experiencing more pronounced symptoms than others.

  • Intensity and Duration of Treatment: A particularly intense or lengthy session can trigger a stronger bodily response.

  • Previous Trauma and Unresolved Emotions: The presence of unresolved emotional issues or past traumas can heighten the experience of a healing crisis, as these are brought to the surface and addressed.

  • Personal Energy Field Variations: The unique interaction between your energy field and the healing energy can affect the healing process.

  • Intention of Healing: Setting intentions to release deep-seated trauma can lead to more profound emotional and physical responses.

Regardless of the specific experiences you're encountering after Reiki, I completely understand if you're feeling a bit discouraged or overwhelmed right now. It's important to remember that discomfort is a natural part of the growth and healing process. Despite these challenges, there are effective and supportive strategies that can make this stage of your journey more manageable and less daunting. Let's explore these together in the next section.

Navigating Through the Healing Crisis

Embracing and managing a healing crisis effectively involves engaging both the mind and body. Here are some tips to help you through this transformative phase:

  • Stay Hydrated: Water is your body's natural purifier. Keeping well-hydrated helps flush out toxins released during the healing process and accelerates your path to recovery.

  • Nutrition: Your body needs all the support it can get right now. Focus on a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Light, easily digestible foods are best post-session, as they provide nourishment without overburdening your digestive system.

  • Rest and Gentle Movement: This is a time for balance. Give yourself permission to rest, but also incorporate gentle movement to maintain energy flow. Activities like walking, yoga, or tai chi can be especially beneficial.

  • Mindful Breathing: Simple yet powerful, mindful breathing exercises can help regulate your body's stress response. These practices bring calm and clarity, particularly useful during moments of emotional upheaval.

  • Body Scan Meditation: Engage in body scan meditation to connect with and understand the sensations in your body. This awareness is healing in itself, providing insights into your body's needs and responses.

  • Journaling and Reflection: Writing down your thoughts and feelings or finding another form of creative outlet provides a therapeutic release for your emotional and mental states. It's a space for self-expression and introspection, helping you to process and understand your emotions better.

  • Emotional Support: Don't hesitate to seek emotional support from a trusted friend or therapist. Processing your experiences with someone can make a significant difference in your healing journey.

  • Self-Care and Patience: Healing is not a linear process. Be kind and patient with yourself, engaging in activities that soothe and nurture your soul. Remember, every step forward is progress.

While you're navigating the nuances of a healing crisis, it's crucial to stay attuned to your body's signals and trust what it's telling you. If at any point your symptoms seem overly worrisome or just won't let up, don't hesitate to seek advice from a healthcare professional. Remember, reaching out for additional guidance is a wise and integral part of managing your holistic health.

If you believe you feel worse after your Reiki session or have questions about your unique experience, know that I'm here as your Reiki practitioner to support and guide you at every step. If this article was helpful and you'd like to know more about Reiki, I offer complimentary 20-minute consultations, which can be booked here.

Let's not let location be a barrier. Even if you're not nearby, I'm still here to help. Remote Reiki sessions are a fantastic option and can be just as effective as in-person sessions. Plus, you get to stay in your comfy pajamas! More importantly, it means you can choose to work with a practitioner you trust and connect with, no matter where you are. You can find more information about remote Reiki in my other blog post.

If you've got a story about your own healing crisis or any questions, just drop them in the comments. Sharing your experience can really help others who are going through the same thing. Let's keep supporting each other and growing together!


Q: How long does a healing crisis typically last?

A: While it varies, a healing crisis often lasts a few days to a week, gradually subsiding as your body adjusts to its new state of balance.

Q: Is it normal to feel emotional during a healing crisis?

A: Yes, emotional sensitivity, including feelings of joy or sadness, is a common part of the healing process as your body releases stored emotional energy.

Q: Should I continue Reiki sessions if I experience a healing crisis?

A: Generally, yes. Continuing Reiki can support the healing process, but always listen to your body and consult with your practitioner.

Q: Can I reduce the intensity of a healing crisis?

A: Staying hydrated, maintaining a balanced diet, and gentle movements can help manage the symptoms. However, the intensity largely depends on individual factors. For more details read the full blog post above.

Q: When should I seek medical advice during a healing crisis?

A: If symptoms are severe, persistent, or cause concern, it's important to consult a healthcare professional.